Lucene/Solr Jenkins Test Failure Report

What Is This?

This Table summarizes the number of failures recorded for each test method over the past 7days / 24hours (as selected by the pulldown).

Each method has a single row in the table, showing the number of runs and failures, along with a percentage failure rate, over the specified period.

Each individual TestClass suite also has an entry in this table, with a blank value for the "Method", and a "checkmark" in the left most "Suite" column. If a suite level failures occured for any instances of running the TestClass (either durring class initialization or during suite cleanup) then these failures will be counted at the suite level. Note that suite level failure rates are not very reliable for 2 key reasons:

This also means a "suite" may show a higher Run count then any/all of the methods in the suite if the failure was during initialization.

Runs that were "SKIPPED" (or had to be excluded due to jenkins reporting errors) are excluded. Likewise, only methods/suites with at least one failure are include in the report for brevity (Tests that never run, or always PASS are not the focus here -- the objective is analyzing failures.)

Clicking anywhere in a row will bring up a (modal) dialog box showing a summary of the row data, along with a list of links to the (locally cached) job-data for each jenkins job where a failure for this Suite/Method occured.

The headers of each column can be used to sort the table by that property, and some columns (Suite, Class, Method) can be used to filter which rows are visible. Note in particular:

In addition to the "Download Current Selection" button at the top of the table, which is affected by any filters/sorting applied, you can also view/download the raw reports as CSV or JSON.